Friday, March 21, 2008

White is the symbol for purity

In ceremonies, it is given as the color of spirituality. Since the ancients taught that we are already pure, they laughed at the teachers who advocated penitence and self-mortification as spiritual methods. They said: “We are already holy. Why struggle to become something we already are?”

The masters of penitence argued that we need to refine ourselves; to cleanse away disgusting desires to arrive at the pure soul inside.

The ancients replied: “If a prince dresses in different clothes, does that change the fact he is a prince? You are already sons of God. Why be so stupid as to obscure yourself when you were born complete?”

The masters of penitence declared: “Humans are evil. Humans are filled with greed. Even the innocent child is corrupted in this ocean of suffering. Let us practice holiness, so that we can return to the pure state.”

The ancients only smiled and said: “If we take up a stone and rub and rub, can we make it into a diamond?”

“Not if it wasn’t a diamond to begin with,” the masters of penitence admitted.With that, the ancients walked away.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The King

There is a king who is coming to see two mens house - one cleaned up his house nicely, the other decided to work on his character and leave his house a mess. When he arrived at the first guys house he left upon hearing the first thing out of the guys mouth, upon the second guys house he didn't stay either but invited him along.

One shell before the pearl

There are a thousand shells in front of man. Man begins to open one by one. If he doesn't find the pearl, he stops short – one shell before the pearl.

Speak of Internal Work

Speaks of internal work and my mind turns to contemplation uponcontests wrought and maidens bought, some aped to captivity or labrynthene ways defended only by virtues' sudden determination...and something is rescued or remained to better venture. But who scouts the apparent desperate plight Perseus once owned and the Virgin thence delivered?
Who will rill the tides or Boreus endorse upon the reus, a strong company of friends and worthy allies bold, more tempering outcomplaint, unruly herd? Roe and Hart the hunting goes while Artemismunder the Sun enclosed the rounds of pasturage, nothing worthy left towandering. Where is Apollo's Windbag, or pipes of Pan, the hermetic ribbons raised? shhhhh, to muttering in the Dark.

The Path

The path is treacherous, the ascent steep; the caves resonate with mystical secrets, the corridors with forgotten whispers of weary travelers; the stairway to the peak is sublime, but it at the top of the tower that the traveler sheds the last vestiges of mortality: Fear, doubt and disbelief. The eye discovers its lost innocence, as the mystery of the universe unfolds a final moment of epiphany…

Saturday, February 2, 2008


The number in numerology symbolized the highest conscious attainable by the human being. The number is the culmination of the great work. The number is the length of life of Jesus and of Alexander the Great. The number is the heaven Buddha ascends to “Trayastrimsa”. The number is also related with the 33 divinities, which were divided into three classes, invoked in the songs of the Rig-Veda and is the number of Cantos (33) in each of Dante’s 3 parts of the Divine Comedy. Not only that, but King David Reigned in Jerusalem for 33 years. The importance of the number is that this number is the ladder described in the Egyptian Book of the Dead “I raise my ladder up to the sky, that I may behold the gods.” The ladder is described in Genesis 28:12 “And he (Jacob) dreamed, and beholds a ladder set up on the earth (the physical body), and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” This ladder is the 33 vertebrae of your spine.